insights to career of passion wealthy and happiness

15 Insights To Career of Happiness While Becoming Wealthy

Woke DancerAugust 6, 2021

The Key to the Career of Wealth and Happiness: You’re Not Untalented or Lazy, You’re Just Inconsistent

You ever heard this phrase? “Don’t try to chase two rabbits going in two different directions, or you won’t get either of them.” This may be the feeling when trying to chase a career of happiness while one where you can be wealthy and have money.

Some people have looked up from their lives and wonder why they’re still in the same place or why they haven’t had their big “break.”

You’re going to have to accept the fact that you’re only going to get one rabbit; you have to make one choice. One choice = the root of our career. Which could be something you’re good at or love or want to do, and eventually turns into a tree(= career). The problem with many today that can’t seem to decide on a career is they have all of these unnecessary weeds clogging up their path. They want to be a triple threat, or be good at everything, when that’s just not how the world works. 

You have all this passion and great work ethic, but it’s going toward busy work and not a career. There lies the problem. It’s not laziness, or the fact that you’ll never be good enough. You’re just inconsistent because you’re too busy watering weeds, and not your tree. 

The Important Questions…

So how do you decide on a dream career if you can’t even decide what you want for lunch? These actionable guidelines can serve as tools to elevate your life, eliminate common illusions with having a career, and motivate yourself everyday.

And these insights will also answer one of the most pressing questions many people have: should you pursue a career of passion, or one that will develop a solid reputation and financial stability? 

Well – why can’t you have both? 

  1. Rejection is a tool 

You’re going to get rejected 50-90% of the time, but that’s okay. Because it only takes one opportunity to change everything. 

  1. No one – NO ONE – starts something and is insanely talented 

And if they seem like it, they either started as a kid, did it in private before showing anyone, or did something else for a long time that complimented that new career. Don’t be fooled, it’ll take time to get great at anything you decide to do.

  1. It’s beyond 10,000 hours, time limits and deadlines 

You just do it and do it it everyday until you hit a breakthrough. It’s physics. You hit the same point with enough force enough times, eventually it’ll break. 

So forget the deadlines and time limits, and just do the required work and you’ll get further. 10,000 hours are going to go by regardless, so just do the work. 

  1. Do something that compliments your natural skills and genetics 

If your mind runs fast, what type of mental careers can you build? If you look at a dumbbell and grow muscles, maybe you can leverage those seemingly natural and genetic abilities to your advantage in sports? 

  1. Become as close to a master as possible 

Constantly ask questions because school doesn’t end when you get the degree. There’s always something you don’t know, and with that mindset you’ll have a very fulfilling career. Focus in on one skill you want to develop for the long-term.

And be better than you were the day before, and you’ll always grow and never have to worry about staying in the same place your whole life. There’s no such thing as a plateau in skill. Maybe a plateau in passion, but never skills.

  1. Time is an asset, so use it wisely 

You never get it back, but when you use it for something that has a goal in mind – no matter how big or small – it doesn’t matter how long it takes. That time was going to pass regardless. Do what you want to do, because you’ll never get the time back to try again. 

  1. Don’t make your job or career your life

Understand that more often than not, work won’t necessarily be fun and most days you’ll probably just want to relax. But it’s a process. You have to keep going because the only way to see results is by literally doing it. There’s no other way. You can’t keep taking a day off and say “well I’ll do it tomorrow”. Because you’ll look around and won’t have anything to show for it. 

So when you do have free time or time off, forget about work. Literally. Forget the deadlines, forget the expectations, and enjoy life OUTSIDE of work because there’s more to life than a check. That takes a person from being rich to being wealthy.

  1. Pivot, pivot, pivot

It doesn’t seem natural to spend your life sitting in the same place. Understand the art of a pivot, and how this could help you build your life to far greater heights than just sitting at the same desk for forty five years. There’s nothing wrong with a 9-5, and if that is in fact the type of environment you thrive in, then this doesn’t apply to you. 

But even in those scenarios, still PIVOT. Negotiate higher salaries, earn those promotions, and just try something new. Whether in your career or your life, don’t let a job or profession bound you in the same place in your life. Grow. Always grow. 

  1. Have complementary sources of income and skills 

Focus on one root skill, but use other avenues to explore it and also diversify income. 

Film directors can benefit from learning screenwriting and that opens up less time-consuming writing opportunities. But it’s all still film. Musicians can perform live and post their music on Youtube as well for additional income. But it’s all still music. 

So when I say one thing, I mean have a root career, and everything else you pursue be branches to the tree. 

  1. Have hobbies 

Have something that you love to do, that relaxes you, that doesn’t have to do with money, that’s really just for fun. Do not monetize all of your hobbies. You will go crazy, and it’s absurd. Trying to do a million things takes away needed focus from just doing one thing. Why be mediocre at many things instead of extraordinary at one?

  1. Choose something that’s worth the struggle

Nothing good ever comes easy. If it was easy, everyone would have a six pack or a million dollars, but they don’t. Even something you think is easy like retail is hard. So pick your struggles wisely. If working grueling hours doesn’t seem like your cup of tea, then maybe being an investment banker might not suit you regardless of how “fun” it looks. Maybe you like physical labor but stable hours, so construction may be your lane. You choose. 

However, it will still be hard, but if it’s something that’s worth it to you, honor that dream by doing the actual work it takes to achieve it. There are no shortcuts.

  1. The friends will help your career 

Your friends are assets. Treat people right, and work smarter. Nepotism isn’t a bad thing when you have built and polished a solid skill that friends can call upon. With the right friends, everyone will eat. I’ve gotten opportunities because I leveraged connections as much as skills. You could also do everything “right,” and just not know the right person that knows you that will get you in the door. So friends – the right friends – really do matter.

  1. Use your natural gifts, even if they don’t align exactly with your passion 

Back to what I was saying about doing what you have a natural affinity to. Some things you just get, and don’t really understand why you just get them once you start doing them. Those are your gifts, and your gifts will make your life easier. Even if you’re not insanely passionate about it, it will serve your life and most likely contribute positively to the world as well. 

If you’re lucky enough to have an natural affinity at a passion, then congratulations. But if you have a gift but it’s not your “true” passion, don’t waste that gift. The gifts we’re given in this life are here to multiply [it’s our “good” karma], and your life makes room for them. 

Don’t neglect your contribution to the world. If you play your cards right, you can migrate to your “true” passion once you’ve solidified a career with skills that can be leveraged ANYWHERE. [Teyana Taylor is a good example of this. A singer but whose really passionate about film directing.]

  1. You can make money from ANYTHING 

Doctors and lawyers work all day. Yes, they make a lot, but you could also make just as much working less time doing something else. 

Any type of business is scalable. People have literally sold bricks for room decoration at premium prices. Your career is an investment, and you must pour your own energy, money, and time into these passions or goals. 

If you love something, how can you convert that into money? 

Hot tip: Do NOT do what everyone else has already done, if you can help it. Do what fits you and your lifestyle. Think about how you live outside of work as well as the type of work you want. The options are ENDLESS.

  1. If you must do your passion and nothing else… (& it doesn’t make money) 

If forging a grueling career at a “natural” talent proves too difficult or unfulfilling, there’s the bitter sacrifice of just doing your passion but making it into a business that compensates for your weaknesses. So if you’re a plus-size ballerina, you can brand that and create a niche that won’t be as hard on your body as dancing on a dance company schedule might be. But be smart and realistic. 

Think about what you want, then figure out exactly what is required to get there. See what problems you’d be willing to deal with, and just do it.

I would say this way is a bit harder, but if you keep in mind the earlier guidelines and work smarter and not harder, then you will also arrive at a career just the same. 

Final thoughts 

Jay Z is where he’s at because he has a reputation and the right friends, because he stayed consistent and watered his tree. Stop trying to water a billion weeds and start watering a tree. He started in music (well…) then music business and has elevated ever since. Rihanna has an empire because she put her head down and got to work watering her own tree. She did music for over a decade then pivoted to fashion and beauty. YouTubers have converted their passions into businesses and have seen their products get into big name stores all over the world. 

You are your own keeper. 

Bonus tip: Whatever you decide to do, push passion into it. Motivation comes from action, not the other way around. So have fun with your choices, and accept the fact that everything you choose may not be “right,” but it’ll change your life if you learn lessons from your mistakes while accepting your blessings. Be grateful, and make an unapologetic choice. Put your all into whatever you do. What you put into life, comes back to you. Every time. Go all in on it!  

Revel in feeling uncomfortable, because that means you’re growing.

Tags: happiness, career, wealthy

Comments (2)

  • Joshua Rogers

    August 6, 2021 at 9:15 pm

    This is that type of advice that everyone needs to hear!

    1. Avatar photo

      Zakiya Moore

      August 6, 2021 at 9:50 pm

      I appreciate you! I just hope people can receive a lot from advice like this!

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